Urban Lodging A d SxS Riding


Urban Lodging and SxS Riding

Here We Go …….Diving Into The Mind Of A Serial SxS Adventure Riding Addict ……

The days of pulling our camper all over the United States to camp and ride are over !!!!

Not to say there’s anything wrong with it,
plenty of people still do it. And I would never hate on those that do.

For us ….. The thought of us hooking up, pulling,setting up, maintaining, tearing down, pulling some more and then parking it just makes me dizzy!

Maintaining a pulling vehicle, and everything that goes with it …. the camper ….. tires, licensing and general maintenance…. parking, storage …. we did it, had fun doing it  and plenty of you still do it! …..  Then my son grew up and started his own life ….. thats when it hit me like a shovel to the back of my head ! Our life was going to change ! I was so excited to experiment…..

Next time we go somewhere for a weekend to ride …… I’m staying in a hotel !  Yes ….. this time ….. no camper !!!!!

The very first time we did this was in Hill City, SD. At the Mt. Meadow
Campground. We rented a cabin for the weekend. It has everything including a kitchen.

The campground was about 12 miles above Hill City and had a general store and a restaurant.
We ate our meals (breakfast & dinner) at the restaurant. We brought stuff from home for trail lunches.

Holy crap ….. the entire wknd was so much fun …… a lot of that fun had to do with “not dealing” with all the camper stuff…… we had more time to relax, take naps, sit on the porch and read, and of course …. trail ride. I slept so dang good ( probably because I wasn’t stressed out waiting for the next thing to break or go wrong with the camper).

Needless to say I was hooked. After the weekend was over and we sat down to see what we spent …… I was so surprised ???
It actually costed us $230.00 dollars less to do it this way as opposed to hauling the camper up there.

My favorite kind of ULSR weekends are when a bunch of us get together and split a AirB&B.  We have stayed in some extremely nice places for less than a $100.00 a night. I’m talking a 6+ bedroom mansion (outside Moab,UT)….. we then  got together and planned a menu, all of us donated some money to the food plan, went shopping and ate some really good and fun meals all wknd. We socialized in the evenings and rode trails during the day. What an awesome wknd.
The best part ….. nobody had to haul there campers…… it was a beautiful!

FYI – Not everytime is like this ….
Sometimes it is more exspensive.
Depending on where you stay and how and where you eat ….. it can be a lot more money.

Like I said ….. Urban Lodging And SxS Riding is a term I made up …..
We absolutely love it !

We still camp occasionally… and for sure we still love it. We just don’t do it often.