The Short Ride Sucks ……

One of the greatest things we have in the off-road world is actually the trails we ride. Finding incredible breathtaking scenery and amazing wildlife here in Colorado is only limited by the amount of time you can spend looking for it.

We just love the long distance adventure rides. Especially now that we have a bigger and more comfortable machine. If I could ride a 100 miles everyday …. on a different trail …. everyday !!  I would be in heaven! And I know a few folks who feel the same way.

A part of my adventure isn’t just the awesome scenery and amazing wildlife …. its the driving part. I love driving my RzR. I love the sound, smell and the feeling of driving offroad. That’s why we bought it ….. to get us out there, away from our lives in the city and away from everyday problems.

Everything about this experience,
the pre-ride prep, the post ride maintenance ….. all of it ….. I just love the whole thing.

Most people don’t know that they are already training themselves for long rides by doing all those short ones.

A seasoned SxS trail driver will always have strategies for overcoming even the worst trail issues and getting ready for a long day of riding is not as hard as it may seem. Pre-planning for a longer ride is all it takes. Extra fuel, more water, trail snacks etc. We always carry a “just in case” bag. Just in case we have to (in the worst case scenario) spend the night out on the trail.

Being Prepared allows us to ride for long distances with realitively no worries. This type of riding is a culmination of years of riding. The experience these rides have taught me is invaluable.

Machine preservation is at the top my list. Taking good care of my SxS off the trail is where it starts. Making sure it operates the way its supposed to and not taking stupid chances out on the trail will help me get back.

Go Ride, Go Prepared, Be Safe and Be Smart …..

Happy Trails  ……