About Trail Geezers

Trail Geezers is a Facebook page I started after attending the 2023 ROAR (Rangely OHV Adventure Rally). Some friends of mine had been talking about how it sucked to ride with younger folks. Not that there is anything wrong with them…. except that …… well…THERE YOUNGER! Everyone including me and the co-pilot wanted to really ride and socialize with age-appropriate people. So, I started this page on Facebook and have never looked back. You have to be over the age of 50 to join. So …… now we have a group to ride with that we have something in common with. Our age allows us to communicate in a way that everyone can understand, we have similar interests…”all things SxS”, and we all love to socialize. No more waiting to sop to pee on the trail…. us Geezers stop often. (LOL) I started this page a month ago and it’s grown to over 350 members from all over the United States and its still growing.