About Mobility

How SxS Vehicles Have Given Me a New Lease on Mobility

Aging comes with its challenges, and for me, one of the biggest has been my knees. Years of hard work and wear and tear have left them less reliable than they used to be. But the thing is, I’ve never been one to sit still. I’ve always loved the outdoors, the thrill of adventure, and the freedom that comes with exploring new trails. That’s why my Side-by-Side (SxS) vehicle has been such a game-changer. It’s not just a machine to me—it’s a lifeline that keeps me moving, exploring, and living life to the fullest, despite my bad knees.1. Reclaiming the OutdoorsThere was a time when the idea of hiking up a mountain or even walking a long trail felt like a distant memory. My knees just couldn’t handle it anymore. But giving up on the outdoors was never an option for me. That’s where my SxS came in. With this machine, I can hit the trails again, feeling the rush of fresh air and the excitement of the journey without the pain. It’s given me back the freedom to explore places that would have been out of reach otherwise, allowing me to reconnect with the wild places I love.2. Maintaining My IndependenceI’ve always valued being independent, and that hasn’t changed as I’ve gotten older. But when your knees aren’t what they used to be, getting around can become a challenge. My SxS has been a real blessing in this regard. It’s more than just a way to get from point A to point B—it’s a way to keep doing the things I love, on my own terms. Whether I’m running errands, visiting friends, or just taking a drive to clear my head, my SxS gives me the mobility I need to stay independent and active.3. Staying Social and ConnectedOne of the best parts of this lifestyle is the community that comes with it. I’ve met some incredible people through SxS riding—folks who share the same passion for the outdoors and the same love of adventure. Despite my knee issues, I’m able to stay active and social, joining in on rides, meeting new people, and staying connected with the world around me. The SxS community is tight-knit, and I’ve found that these shared experiences have only deepened my love for this lifestyle.4. Mobility Without LimitsThere are days when my knees just don’t want to cooperate. But thanks to my SxS, that doesn’t mean I have to stay home. This vehicle has opened up a world of possibilities, allowing me to explore trails and landscapes that I would never be able to navigate on foot. It’s empowering to know that, no matter how my body feels on a given day, I can still get out there and enjoy the great outdoors. My SxS has become an extension of me, making sure that physical limitations don’t hold me back from living the life I want.5. Comfort and SafetyComfort and safety are crucial when you’re dealing with bad knees, and my SxS delivers on both fronts. The seating is comfortable, the ride is smooth, and I don’t have to worry about the strain that walking or standing might cause. Plus, with features like seat belts, roll cages, and reliable handling, I feel secure no matter where the trail takes me. It’s a peace of mind that’s hard to put a price on, especially when you’ve dealt with mobility issues like mine.6. Customizing My RideOne of the things I love most about my SxS is how I’ve been able to make it my own. With my knees in mind, I’ve made a few adjustments—like installing more supportive seats and making sure the controls are easy to reach and operate. These little tweaks make a big difference, ensuring that every ride is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. My SxS isn’t just any vehicle; it’s tailored to my needs, helping me get the most out of every adventure.7. Rediscovering My Sense of AdventureThere was a time when I thought my days of exploring rugged trails and remote landscapes were behind me. But my SxS has shown me that adventure doesn’t have an expiration date. Every ride brings something new—a new trail to conquer, a new view to take in, a new memory to create. My SxS has given me back that sense of excitement and discovery, reminding me that there’s still so much out there to explore, no matter how many miles are on these knees.For me, the SxS lifestyle is more than just a way to stay active—it’s a way to stay connected to the things that matter most: freedom, adventure, and the great outdoors. Despite my bad knees, I’m able to keep living life on my own terms, exploring new places, meeting new people, and making the most of every day. The SxS has been a true gift, one that keeps me moving forward, no matter what challenges come my way.