A guided trail ride …Did I sign up for the wrong trail ride ???????Are you unsure if you signed up for the right trail ride? It’s important to choose a ride that matches your skill level and interests. As someone who has planned and guided many trips, I understand the importance of considering all aspects of the experience. While I haven’t ever charged for my services, it’s essential to recognize that some people obviously think there SxS’s and personal skill level are above what they actually are.The TRUTH …..Your SxS is way more capable than you are, but your skills and experience are what truly matter. When you dream of the perfect trail and perfect experience, it’s important to be realistic about your abilities. If you’re inexperienced, it will show and not only will your dream ride be bad, it could be shattered. This has happened on a paid guided trail ride this past weekend where a group signed up for a ride beyond their skill level and had a terrible experience, affecting the whole group. They weren’t honest about there skill or experience with themselves or with the guide. A telltale sign you signed up for the wrong trail is during the ride…. you have to ask someone else to drive your OHV to negotiate a hill on the trail. Remember, the pace of any guided trail ride is set by the slowest and least experienced participant, so it’s important to be honest about your abilities and choose trails that are appropriate for you. If your unsure about the trail or your abilities ….. talking with your guide before the ride can help you.The Result ….These individuals lack of understanding of the trail’s difficulty rating, a common occurrence among new or inexperienced OHV riders resulted in a negative trail experience for them and everyone else on this ride. The trail guides did there best to mitigate there lack of experience by helping through knowledge, experience and understanding. Unfortunately, following their ride, they voiced their discontent and had unfavorable reviews of the guide and event. Guided trail rides during these events that you pay for are meticulously crafted to ensure your safety while maximizing your enjoyment. If you do not truthfully disclose your skill level, your ride will be ruined, and your experience will be negatively affected.The failure of these individuals to be honest with themselves and the guide resulted in a lack of understanding of the trail’s difficulty rating, which was designated as intermediate/advanced.

Note… Im pretty numb when it comes to stupid people and there actions out on the trail….normally. But this group, who i found out latter…bitched about everything throughout the weekend. Complaining about things that you and i find just “normal” and to be expected. These type of people will never be happy, no matter what!